National School Science Centre
“Success is a Science, if you have the condition, you get the result”
-Oscar Wilde
The vision of the Science Centre is to become an incentive for curiosity, new products and scientific findings in a simple, understandable and especially interesting way. Mr. Deepak Kulkarni started “National School Science Centre” in 1987 with only 25 members. Today we have 900+ members. Skills varying from carpentry, electrification, soldering, painting, hi-fi electronic projects, have been our target. NSSC has organized Mobile Science Exhibitions & visits to Homibhabha Science centre, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Nehru Science Centre, Nehru Planetarium, industries & Bhabha Atomic Research Centre.
Our Science Centre works with the motive of ‘Science For Society’ where in we use science for the betterment of mankind.

RoboMechTech Workshop
Robotics and computers have become increasingly prevalent and useful in the lives of students. So, learning robotics and programming concepts gives students an extra edge over the others. Keeping this in mind, the Young Innovators Science Trust in coordination with the management of National Education Society expects to increase creativity and promote innovation in the field of robotics. This workshop helps students to learn new skills and prepare them for their future endeavours.

Innovators club
In order to provide hands on experience in making scientific projects and creating awareness about the effective use of science in day today life, the trust in coordination with the management of National Education Society, expects to foster interest and enquiry among young children. This course will help the students to analyze, think critically and create their own scientific models day to day objects.

Peep Into Electronics
In order to provide hands on experience in making scientific projects and creating awareness about the effective use of electronics in day to day life, the Young Innovators Science Trust in coordination with the management of National English School, ICSE expects to foster interest and enquiry among young children. This course helps the students to use and test different types of electronics components, different basic electrical instruments used in electronics circuits and systems. It also helps the children hone their technical skills and triggers in them the zeal and inspiration to develop ideas that culminate into exciting projects for future use.

Global citizenship
In order to inculcate global citizenship and promote international exposure, ‘Global citizenship’ is a session introduced in the school since 2016-17. It provides hands on experience in making the pupils learn about India and the other countries, develop life skills and core skills such as creativity and imagination, leadership, critical thinking and problem solving, collaboration and communication. It also helps the pupils to reflect and carry out activity-based learning on global themes such as peace and conflict, sustainable living, rights and responsibilities, identity and belonging to evolve the students with different activities such as international interaction, cultural exchange, exhibitions, play way activities, drama, art, etc.

Global Theatre
Human beings naturally want to express themselves and theatre is the most expressive art form. With the aim to hone the skills of the students, promote creativity, imagination and develop personality, ‘Global Theatre’ is a session introduced by Young Global Citizens Educational Trust in the school since 2017-18. The sessions help the students to discover themselves. The students work together, putting together different arts like music, singing, acting and dancing to make something bigger than themselves. It also helps students learn different lifestyles, history, folk tales, art and theatrical knowledge of various countries across the globe. It also helps the pupil to reflect and carry out activity-based learning on global themes and issues such as peace and conflict, sustainable living, rights and responsibilities and identity and belonging and also help to develop the students through different activities and improve perception through cross cultural exchange.